Aug 26, 2018
Heaven: A Place of Hope For All Eternity (part 2)
Series: Beyond the Grave

In this sermon series Pastor Brian will be discussing that death is not the end of existence. From the scriptures Jesus gives us the two destinations when a person dies. There is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell. The Bible teaches us that heaven is prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Hell is a place for those who have rejected Jesus. It is in this series Pastor Brian will answer from the Bible many questions that people have about heaven and hell.
- Aug 26, 2018Heaven: A Place of Hope For All Eternity (part 2)Aug 26, 2018Heaven: A Place of Hope For All Eternity (part 2)Series: Beyond the GraveIn this sermon series Pastor Brian will be discussing that death is not the end of existence. From the scriptures Jesus gives us the two destinations when a person dies. There is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell. The Bible teaches us that heaven is prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Hell is a place for those who have rejected Jesus. It is in this series Pastor Brian will answer from the Bible many questions that people have about heaven and hell.
- Aug 19, 2018Heaven: A Place of Hope for All EternityAug 19, 2018Heaven: A Place of Hope for All EternitySeries: Beyond the GraveIn this sermon series Pastor Brian will be discussing that death is not the end of existence. From the scriptures Jesus gives us the two destinations when a person dies. There is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell. The Bible teaches us that heaven is prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Hell is a place for those who have rejected Jesus. It is in this series Pastor Brian will answer from the Bible many questions that people have about heaven and hell.
- Aug 12, 2018Heaven: A Prepared Place for Prepared PeopleAug 12, 2018Heaven: A Prepared Place for Prepared PeopleSeries: Beyond the GraveIn this sermon series Pastor Brian will be discussing that death is not the end of existence. From the scriptures Jesus gives us the two destinations when a person dies. There is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell. The Bible teaches us that heaven is prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Hell is a place for those who have rejected Jesus. It is in this series Pastor Brian will answer from the Bible many questions that people have about heaven and hell.
- Aug 5, 2018Flatline – Heaven or Hell. You Decide?Aug 5, 2018Flatline – Heaven or Hell. You Decide?Series: Beyond the GraveIn this sermon series Pastor Brian will be discussing that death is not the end of existence. From the scriptures Jesus gives us the two destinations when a person dies. There is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell. The Bible teaches us that heaven is prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Hell is a place for those who have rejected Jesus. It is in this series Pastor Brian will answer from the Bible many questions that people have about heaven and hell.
- Jul 29, 2018What Is Your Life?Jul 29, 2018What Is Your Life?Series: Beyond the GraveIn this sermon series Pastor Brian will be discussing that death is not the end of existence. From the scriptures Jesus gives us the two destinations when a person dies. There is a place called heaven and there is a place called hell. The Bible teaches us that heaven is prepared for those who have received Jesus Christ finished work on the cross. Hell is a place for those who have rejected Jesus. It is in this series Pastor Brian will answer from the Bible many questions that people have about heaven and hell.